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Non profit Appeal Mailings

Non profit mailings are a great way to remind donors to send in their end of year donations as well as let them know the work you organization has done in the last year. Non profit appeal mailings can be as simple as a postcard with a link or QR code to donate or complex as a personalized letter with personalized ask amounts.

Personalization is key to foster the bond with your donors and make them feel part of the organization. You can also use data from previous donations to provide custom messaging or ask amounts to try to increase the donation size. The down side to personalization is that it does increase the cost of a mailing.

A postcard is much more budget friendly but it would need to supplement other outreach and works better for a demographic that is more likely to donate online. A postcard is much more generic and more of a reminder to donate than a personalized appeal.

Non profits do receive discounted USPS pricing which allows campaigns to reach more donors at lower costs.